Wednesday 23 May 2012

Ready spaghetti

I have finally received word from my local TAFE and they advise me that I am allowed to enrol into bookkeeping for this year, but I have to do it quickly and then catch up on 6 months worth of work in a short amount of time. Too easy right?? Let the crapping in my pants begin because as soon as I can get to the campus 30km away from here I'll be enrolled and ready to start studying. The real test will begin once I receive all of my study materials and it becomes my responsibility to complete them on top of raising Miss K and keeping on top of the housework. I have not been this nervous in a long time.

But before I even get to the course I have to do the half hour drive to TAFE and hand in the paperwork. I've told the woman I've been dealing with that I'll come up tomorrow, then I've looked at my calendar and remembered that I have 2 doctors appointments and a visit to a friend tomorrow all booked in so my day is going to be absolutely flat out. I guess it will just be a small glimpse of what my life is going to become once I'm a student.

Well I'm off to relax for an hour before I have to go pick up my brother in law. I've bought some e-books for the DS today and there are a heap of them that are on my list of books to read so I'm looking forward to this. Tomorrow Miss K is getting her 12 month immunisations and I have an optometrist appointment so this is going to be fun.

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